Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Distracted Driving

Today's New York Times article throws another stinker on Bush administration for not letting National Highway Safety association publish a study that statistically proves that talking on telephone while driving could cause a crash four times likely compared to a normal driver. And it is probably as bad as drunk and driving.

None need to tell us that talking while driving is distracting - let it be with hands free or without. Every time i watch a vehicle coming too close or abrupt lane changes i see a driver talking. There is nothing wrong in talking while driving but since it has proven that such a behaviour is threatening others lives, it should come into the category of drunk and driving.

The benefits to the business and convenience to the consumer are clear. However, most of the consumers don't mind a legislation to prevent talking on telephone while driving. So the telephone industry and electronic device manufactures lobby the law makers to prevent any such bills getting passed in the congress/state legislature. The smart phones these days generate more revenue by surfing Internet and downloading stuff from the net - not just the calls. A lot people make use of such devices to stay in touch or read while driving hence improving the margins for telecom companies.

I use a smart phone and a reasonably busy person. When i use the phone while driving ( of course with bluetooth on) i really know that i get too involved in talking and make mental pictures about what i talk. Some people say i am incapable of multi-tasking which i agree as there is nothing like multi-tasking. So i really hope to see a legislation to stop this bad habit of mine :)